The 36volt or 48volt Dual Battery Smacker For Golf Carts and Fork Lifts.

The 36volt or 48volt Dual Battery Smacker For Golf Carts and Fork Lifts. (SORRY out of chips, 8/14/23, come back in a few weeks? months?)
It comes with two Battery smackers to charge 2 battery banks. ( 36v. example six – 6v. batteries, 3 batteries = 18v – bank#1, 3 batteries = 18v – Bank#2) • ( 48v. example six – 8v. batteries, 3 batteries = 24v – bank#1, 3 batteries = 24v – bank#2) Comes with 2 Battery Smackers mounted on PVC sheet and isolated from each other on top of two 1 amp 20 volt (36v setup) or 26 volt (48v setup) DC power supplies to run the micro-processor chip. Two sets of hookup wires, ring terminals and two quick gold connectors. Also two #2 wire gauge quick connectors, to quickly disconnect the 2 + wire connectors and instructions. Only runs on 18 watts of power! You will need to make these connections and solder the wires, and solder in gold connectors. More info. Watch the video of my setup at home : Golf Cart and Solar Panel/Battery Setup. 10/22
Our Battery charger does NOT gas off your water in the batteries!! No need to keep filling your batteries with water as we are not doing electrolysis as all other battery rechargers so. We femtosecond buzz the battery water with 100% (-) non-hertzian water. Invented by a DOD scientist over 30 years ago. No other battery charger is like the Battery smacker. It has no voltage regulator, it just charges up to 12.8v on 12v batteries, 6.5 to 6v batteries and 8.5v to 8 volt batteries and stops. It trickle charges your batteries. It keeps your batteries at full voltage like when you first bought the batteries. Nothing like it out on the market today. We hand wind the iron core toroids, the reason for the expense. Made in USA! Battery Smacker information page
Will not work on AGM batteries. Only water – lead/acid batteries. See hook up .pdf file. The Dual Battery Smacker only draws 18 watts to charge a battery over night in “charge mode” Restore those expensive solar/golf cart flooded water batteries. Will NOT rebuild a damaged battery, but will take off the crystal lead sulfate webbing and break down the acid and lead crystals, back to acid water and lead particles that slowly plate back onto the plates, instead of lead sludge at the bottom of a cell, shorting the voltage. No other recharger will change the ph of the your electrolyte back to full 1.0ph acid! That is what the Rejuvenating your battery to extend battery life by double to even triple the life! If you shake up the battery and then hook up the Battery Smacker, it will suspend the lead particles in the water and slowly plate back up on the cell plates! No other battery de-sulfator will do this. So it does not short the cells as other de-sulfator do. Only the non-hertzian energy does this! Comes fully assembled and tested. You just have to add your batter lead wires, simple solder job, Bob Boyce has kept his solar rack of batteries going full charge way past the manf. specs. ( 5 years+, going on 10 years+) Bob has used his battery smacker for 20 years now. De sulfate your dead batteries, don’t buy a new ones. Try smacking it first! De-sulfation process takes time, leave it hooked up for days, weeks. Great for maintaining a rack of expensive solar batteries. Leave it hooked up for weeks on end on “de-sulfate mode” Will only charge so far and stop! Or select Charge mode and charge the battery back up in 12 to 24 hours. Stubborn, older batteries may need 3 days or a week of hook up and pulsing. Some leave on for a month at a time, due to the mill amps (250 ma) and low volts to do it’s work. It will not over charge or cook your battery, if left on for weeks. Nor does it gas off your battery water! De sulfating potential can be up to 100 volts DC! Using but only 200ma of power! Batteries can absorb both energy sources. Does not heat up, will last for years to come. NOT like other battery de-sulfators that heat up and get damaged over time and bounces back and forth from 12v to 50 volts causing heat and breakdown of the circuit. The BB Battery Smacker will only work on batteries who’s cells are not damaged. Burnt, bent, or eroded plates will not work. Old batteries that were sitting around for years, may be able to be rejuvenated. Some work, some DO NOT, depends on the plate damage, warped or dissolved plates. Take off the caps and look down into the battery cells with a flashlight to view the crystals and hairs/webbing on the plates. If you see bent plates, you may have a damaged battery. The lead sulfate will go back to acid, it will rejuvenate your electrolyte! Batteries will absorb electromagnetic and non-hertzian energy. Batteries like both energy fields.
Please note the Battery Smacker is hand made in the USA, the toroids have to hand wound and take several hours to wind. The mil spec. silver coated copper wire is expensive. 35′ of wire is used in each De-sulfator. Invented over 30 years ago by retired DOD scientist : Bob Boyce®
Battery Smacker information page Select 36v or 48v Comes with two DC power transformers Only draws approx. 18 watts one. Can also de-sulfate/charge two 12v batteries at a time, just get two 15v, 1 amp wall warts
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