gen 15 in steel enclosureGen 15 Hydrogen system in Tough-box plastic enclosure 53 x 32 x 32Gen 15 system in aluminum enclosure
Gen 15 hydrogen system fitted to truck
Owen demonstrates the Gen 15 setup on his 4WD motor home before heading North on his gold prespecting / collecting trip in NW Western Australia. Using Hydrogen with his 4.2 Litre Diesel Powered vehicle gives him a greater range he can travel prospecting into the pristine West Australian Outback, without worrying about refueling. It also delivers more torque / Power to his vehicle.
(Applicable to Diesel Vehicles Only) (Note: Fuel savings are dependent on various factors and cannot be rigidly fixed to any one specific number. For Petrol vehicles, no specific testing has been conducted yet, hence savings data or the amount of Hydrogen needed for savings is yet to be determined.)
Highway Driven Vehicles: Up to 40%
City Driven Vehicles: Up to 35%
Off Highway: Up to 30%
Static: Up to 40%
Emission Reduction
CO2 Savings: Up to 75% reduction in net CO2 addition.
Voltage Requirements for 24V Vehicles
Gen 15 units have standard 12V fitment and cannot be used for 24V Vehicles. Use K40 if your vehicle has 24V power supply.
24 V vehicles can use a Redarc 24V/12V converter
System Servicing
The first service is required after 3 months of use. Subsequent servicing is recommended every 6 months
System Life
Although not fully tested, the expected lifespan of the system is projected to be more than 5 years.
System Physical Dimensions – Mounted into Welded Steel or Aluminium enclosure box
Width: 30 cm
Length: 43 cm
Height: 35 cm
System Weight
Empty System: 18 kg
Fully Filled System: 24 kg
For more detailed information or any specific queries, please feel free to contact our technical support team.