PUBLICATIONS, TEXT REFERENCES and AUTHORS. Publications and international testing references / results for using Hydrogen generators with internal combustion engines – SEE recent POSTS
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Publications, Text References and Authors on Hydrogen
[1] P. S. Ranjit & M. Saxena, “A Review on Hydrogen Utilization in Internal Combustion Compression Ignition Engines”, International J of Science Technology & Management, III, (2), 2012.
[2] N. Saravanan, G. Nagarajan, “Experimental Investigation of Hydrogen Port Fuel Injection in Direct Injection Diesel Engine”, International J of Hydrogen Energy, XXXII, pp: 4071-4080, 2007.
[3] B. R. Prasath, E. Leelakrishnan, N. Lokesh, H. Suriyan, E. G. Prakash & K. O. M. Ahmed, “Hydrogen Operated Internal Combustion Engines-A New Generation Fuel”, International J of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, II, (4), pp: 52-57, 2012.
[4] G. Pullagura, K. R. Kumar, P. C. Verma, A. Jaiswal, R. Prakash & S. Murugan, “Experimental Investigation of Hydrogen Enrichment on Performance and Emission Behavior of Compression Ignition Engine”, International J of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST), IV, (3), pp: 1223-1232, 2012.
[5] S. J. Lee & E. S. Kim, “Combustion Characteristic of Intake Port Injection Type Hydrogen Fueled Engine”, International J of Hydrogen Energy, XX, 1995.
[6] J. D. Naber & D. L. Siebers, “Hydrogen Combustion under Diesel Engine Conditions”, International J of Hydrogen Energy, XXIII, 1998.
[7] D. F. Maki & P. Prabhakaran, “An Experimental Investigation on Performance and Emissions of a Multi Cylinder Diesel Engine Fueled with Hydrogen-Diesel Blends”, World Renewable Energy Congress, Sweden, 2011.
[8] M. Masood, S. N. Mehdi & P. R. Reddy, “Experimental Investigation on a Hydrogen – Diesel Duel Fuel Engine at Different Compression Ratios”, Transactions of ASME, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, CXXIX, pp: 572-578, 2007.
[9] G. A. Karim, “Knock Characteristics of Dual-Fuel Engines Fueled with Hydrogen”, International J of Hydrogen Energy, XX, 1995.
[10] H. A. K. Shahad & N. Abul Hadi, “Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Hydrogen Blending on the Concentration of Pollutants Emitted from a Four Stroke Diesel Engine”, The 7th Jordanian International Mechanical Engineering Conference (JIMEC’7), Amman, Jordan, 2010.
[11] M. Milen & B. Kiril, “Investigation of the Effects of Hydrogen Addition on Performance and Exhaust Emissions of Diesel Engine”, Fisita World Automotive Congress, Spain, 2004.
[12] P. K. Bose, R. Banerjee & M. Deb, “Effect of Hydrogen-Diesel Combustion on the Performance and Combustion Parameters of a Dual Fuelled Diesel Engine”, International J of Energy and Environment, IV, (3), pp: 497-510, 2013.
[13] E. L. Keating, “Applied combustion”, 2nd edition, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, 2007.
[14] S. M. Abdul Haleem, “Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Engine Performance and Emissions of a Four Strokes Spark Ignition Engine Operated with Hydrogen Blended Gasoline”, Ph D thesis, College of Engineering, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, Iraq, 2007.
[15] K. S. Varde & G. A. Frame, “Hydrogen Aspiration in a Direct Injection Type Diesel Engine – it’s Effect on Smoke and other Engine Performance Parameters”, International J of Hydrogen Energy, VIII, pp: 549-555, 1983.
[16] S. Szwaja & K. G. Rogalinski, “Hydrogen Combustion in a Compression Ignition Diesel Engine”, International J of Hydrogen Energy, III, (4), pp: 4413–4421, 2009.
[17] G. K. Lilik, H. Zhang, J. M. Herreros, D. C. Haworth & A. L. Boehman, “Hydrogen Assisted Diesel Combustion”, International J of Hydrogen Energy, XXXV, pp: 4382–4398, 2010.
[18] B. K. Debnath, U. K. Saha & N. Sahoo, “Effect of Hydrogen-Diesel Quantity Variation on Brake Thermal Efficiency of a Dual Fuelled Diesel Engine”, Journal of Power Technologies, XCII, (1), pp: 55–67, 2012.
[19] Alexandria Engineering Journal Volume 55, Issue 1, March 2016, Pages 243-251 Effect of hydroxy (HHO) gas addition on gasoline engine performance and emissions
[20] VCE Chemistry and electrolysis –
[21] Chemical Combustion Combustion Property – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics