About our Products Hydrogen Fuel cell Kits / HFS systems will provide the people of the world with:
Hydrogen Gas gives ,
a safer option for fuel supplies,
a better fuel supply option
a cleaner option and
a cheaper option than indiscriminately burning fossil fuels….
a more reliable fuel supply than the petro-chemical industry
green hydrogen for producing electricity using hydrogen fuel cell technology. Hydrogen fuel cell technology is an enormous improvement coal fired generator systems
HFS systems will provide the people of the world with Fuel Savings using the Hydrogen fuel cell Kit
Hydrogen injection into a diesel, petrol or LPG fueled engine saves fuel by
1. allowing a leaner air/fuel mixture.
2. burning all the fuel in the engine.
3. increasing engine efficiency, power output, and reducing the “throttle” setting required to achieve the vehicle speed
4. Stopping carbon buildup on the valves, piston head and cylinder head. Carbon buildup reduce engine efficiency by interfering with the air/fuel flow in the cylinder.
5. increasing the rate of combustion of the fuel . The flame speed of hydrogen hundreds of times that of diesel and petrol. The entire fuel charge is burnt close to top dead center on the power stroke. – more power as expanding gasses work efficiently.
6. hydrogen also allows increased compression ratio because of the ability of hydrogen rich gas to prevent knock (high octane/cetane).
7. the brake thermal efficiency is improved with the addition of hydrogen, at lean conditions.
Using Hydrogen has less buildups / coating on the valves, pistons and cylinder heads. Lubrication fluids remain cleaner and in better condition for engine lubrication.
2024 Trucking application for 100,000 km using Generation 20 Hydrogen fuel sytem , reported 25% reduced fuel consumption with more Power and Torque
Cleaner Emissions
Hydrogen Fuel cell Kits – Hydrogen Generator
Hydrogen injection into the engine, flashes the fuel at a higher temperature allowing the fuel to burn completely. A leaner fuel mix produces less unburnt or partly burnt fuel/ hydrocarbons being passed out the exhaust.
Gen 20 hydrogen systems mounted in steel enclosures 32cm x 38cm x 29 cm- ideal engines greater than 8 liter capacity on truck coogee chemicals
Cleaner Engines
Hydrogen generator Systems
Using Hydrogen has less buildups / coating on the valves, pistons and cylinder heads. Lubrication fluids remain cleaner and in better condition for engine lubrication.
This investigation establishes that hydrogen can be utilized in compression ignition engines operating them on dual-fuel principle.
Such operation improves Chemical thermodynamic efficiency, makes the engine run with very lean equivalence ratios, which means very low engine emissions.
H.F.S. operation results in lower exhaust gas temperatures leading to longer live of components such as exhaust valves.
When engine was run with hydrogen addition, B.P. was improved. The effect of hydrogen addition on the power enhancement was both quantitatively and qualitatively by the means of combustion improvement
Further evidence and academic reports are available by contacting Gavan on 0403177183 and glknox11@live.com