Installation and Operation of a MAP/ MAF sensor enhancer

Views: 101

Installation and Operation of a MAP/ MAF sensor enhancer

The attached document explains the installation and operation of a MAP / MAF sensor enhancer to further improve the fuel savings achieved by installing a Hydrogen generator  kit onto your vehicle / Generator / internal combustion engine.

A MAP Sensor is a Manifold air-pressure sensor, that monitors the vacuum of the engine under differing engine operation conditions , reporting to the engine ECU and adjusts the fuel volume injected into the engine. 

A MAF Sensor is a Mass air-Flow sensor, that monitors the volume of air entering the engine under differing engine operation conditions , reporting to the engine ECU and adjusts the fuel volume injected into the engine. 

MAP Sensors and MAF Sensors can be either voltage based (analog) or Frequency Based  (digital) .  This device is for use on voltage based  (analog) sensors only.   

MAP/MAF enhancer
MAP/MAF enhancer
MAP/MAF sensor enhancer
MAP/MAF sensor enhancer
















For installation and operational instructions for the Analog / voltage based MAP / MAF sensor enhancer  – click here

For Digital  / frequency based Sensors there are instruction located on this website at this location ( diesel engine) – click here.

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