PWM and EFIE Installation Instructions Petrol

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PWM and EFIE  Installation Instructions Petrol   – Updated March 9 2025


General Instructions BOOKLET  –  installation and operation  Hydrogen Fuel Systems    –    Gen 10,  Gen 15 and Gen 20

This UPDATE also INCLUDE instructions for the models K20, K30 and K40/

  • Instalation should be completed by a qualified Auto electrician ,  Unqualified installation will void warranty.   Its not that the instructions are hard to follow , but rather unqualified installers are often found to take shortcuts and fail to install the system correctly.


  • Hydrogen Installation Instructions Petrol / Gasoline engines.  Installation Instructions HFS-system trucking.  Below is the link to read how to install the Hydrogen generator systems on your petrol fueled vehicle or generator.  These instructions are a PDF file document. It is advised to print out the document and carefully read before attempting the installation.


  • Bubblers / flashback arrestors must be always used with with Hydrogen systems from Hydrogenfuelsystems pty ltd to prevent flashback or backfire . 30 amp manual Reset Circuit breakers and 60 amp Solenoid relay (Power supply configuration 2 see below) must always be installed on Trucking systems and 30 amp Circuit breakers   (PROVIDED)    and Continuous Duty 60 amp Relay  (Power supply configuration 2 see below) used on all other vehicles /engines.


  • For vehicles with Power Supply Configuration 1 (see below) The vehicle should be fitted with a 40 amp circuit breaker and relay


  • For more information on the installation of these patented Hydrogen Generator kits on your petrol fueled truck, car or generator read on . Then send me a message a message to, to clarify any aspects of the Installation Instructions.


  • Petrol Fueled engines can further improve the fuel savings by installing a tune-able / adjustable  electronic fuel enhancer module that  forces the engine to use a leaner and more powerful fuel map in your vehicle ECU.

Systems must be fitted by a qualified automotive electrician.  This is not a DIY assembly

4.2 litre Toyota using Gen 15 system to tow caravan 2023 mounted in box below vehicle tray
4.2 liter Toyota using Gen 15 system to tow caravan 2023 mounted in white box below vehicle tray in front of rear wheel (driver’s side)



Do not use a concentration of caustic higher than the recommended value ( as shown below) (11 grams /3 liter ) as this may lead to excessive electrical energy being wasted as thermal energy and seeping of the caustic powder from the joints of the sealed unit.

Having a low concentration of caustic is ideal as more energy is used into the oxidation / reduction of water into hydrogen and oxygen, rather on the “redox”. of the caustic….

Greater efficiency = more gas with less electrical load


You have made a good decision in purchasing a “ Hydrogen Generator” System. Properly installing and using this device will make a significant contribution to both your own well-being and the well-being of the world you live in.

Getting started: Note!

Getting started: Note! If you are installing the “Hydrogen generator system” on a turbo charged engine you must route the Hydrogen transmission hose to a location UPSTREAM of the turbo, that is, on the LOW PRESSURE side of the turbo, in the air-intake cowling, or into the mouth of the air intake cowling, if you can access it.

Power supply configuration  – Better choice  ( with 3 kW PWM  supply- fitted) – 2024  edition

Materials required


30 amp Circuit Breaker,  60 amp Solenoid relay unit, Bubbler Unit,  4 m length 10 mm pneumatic tubing,  5 m double insulated 8 mm twin core cable,  12 volt master switch,   potassium hydroxide,   Distilled water,    3kW Pulse width modulator Unit fitted.

This configuration is used with the Pulse width Modulator power supply, running at 12 volts.

Initial setup when system is new

  • Fill the system so that the 3 litre recycling tank is holding 2.5 litres of distilled water.
  • Measure 15 grams of potassium hydroxide = one level teaspoon full – and mix this with 100 mls of distilled water.
  • Turn on the PWM power supply to fully on position .
  • Switch on the system with the pump running and add the small amounts of the 100 ml mixture to the recycling tank. Watch the current rise over the next few minutes stop adding any more mixture once the current reaches 15 amp.
  • Ensure the solution in the 3 litre recycling tank is 25 mm  below the top of the tank (AS MARKED ON TANK)`. Add distilled water if needed to bring tank to correct level
  • Check the bubbler tank and ensure it is ¾ full of distilled water
  • Check the recycling pump is operating.
  • Measure and record in the chart the current flowing in the system and ambient temperature
  • The Initial Current flow should be operating at  15 amp. If Current is above 15 amp, syphon 200 mls of electrolyte from tank and replace with distilled water. 
  • As the system is run in on your vehicle the starting current will rise to between 20 and 25 amp.
  • This starting current should now be adjusted using the control on the PWM power supply dial.
  • DO not wind back the current by more than 2 amp from the fully on position as this will lead to excessive heating of the PWM unit as it passes excess current through the heat sink
  • Drive the vehicle. As solution is used the concentration of the solution increases and current will rise. The system will use 1 litre of water every 10 hours
  • As the system is run in the current will rise towards 28 amp – correct operating current.
  • If the circuit breaker switches off you need to remove 200 ml of electrolyte and replace it with 200 ml of distilled water.  This is a tuning procedure that may need repeating until you achieve a stable system.
  • Refill the solution with distilled water every 15 hours of operation or when the fitted circuit breaker switches off .
  • Once the distilled water is replaced , run the system for 3 minutes to allow the solution mixture to return to original concentration.

24 volt vehicles Must reduce the voltage to the power system to 12 volt output using an electronic voltage inverter.

Alternative Power supply configuration  2 ( without PWM  supply) – 2020-   

This is NOT THE RECOMENDED METHOD as it leaves no control for the current apart from adjusting electrolyte volume

Materials required

40 amp circuit breaker, 60 amp relay unit, Bubbler Unit, 4 m length 10 mm pneumatic tubing, 5 m double insulated 8 mm  (8 BnS) twin core cable, 12 volt master switch,  potassium hydroxide crystals , Distilled water

This configuration is used without  the PWM power supply, running at 12 volts.

  1. The latest configuration from November 2021 is a modified DC  supply that does away with the PWM and uses the extra 1.5 volts used by the PWM to produce more Hydrogen gas.

2.  This new arrangement does away with controlling the current my the electronic circuit and only controls the current flow by adding pure water to the tank .

3.  The circuit / solution concentration is initially set to run 15 amp.  Once the current reaches 35  amp or once the solution volume in the tank falls to 1 litre , it is  time to refill the recycling tank with water only.  , This way there is no wasted heat energy generated by the PWN, there is more gas produced and the systems run more efficiently.

4.  To set the initial current fill the system so that the 3 litre recycling tank is holing 2.5 litres  of distilled water.  Measure 5 grams of potassium hydroxide  = one level teaspoon full  –  and mix this with 100 mls of distilled water.  Switch on the system with the pump running and add the small amounts of the 100 ml mixture to the recycling tank.  Watch the current rise over the next few minutes stop adding any more mixture once the current reaches 15 amp.

5.  The solution and system is now ready to use .  As the system runs the current flow will increase and eventually reach 29 amp .   

6.  The recycling tanks holds 3 litres.  The system will consume 1 litre of water every 10 hours. After 20 hours  of operation it is time to add water to the system. Adding water dilutes the solution and the current flow will return to 15 amp when cold . In the case of you forgetting to add water , the auto reset 40 amp circuit breaker opens the circuit and no current will flow telling you its time to add water.

7.  24 volt vehicles should reduce the voltage to the system to 12 volt output.  This  is a 12 volt system and must not be operated at 24 volt.

8.  Running the system without the PWM power supply connected is much simpler and does not generate excessive heat .  Heat is a “killer” for electronic circuits and is also a total waste of energy –   energy that could be used to generate hydrogen gas.


Hydrogen Installation Instructions Petrol / Gasoline engines

Part 2 Setting up the electrolyte

Mounting the HHO system:

Bubbler installation:

Venting HHO Generator system  jan 2023

Circuit  breaker and relay assembly Diagram

Servicing the HHO System:

    • One litre of water should last 8-10 hour s of continuous operation. One litre will last 9 to 10 hours of stop/start city driving.
    • Add water to recycling container to bring it to the full mark –8cm from top of tank.
    • After 3 months of operation, the liquid should be flushed out and drained. New/Fresh solution should be used.
    • For trucks and other engines using a 24 volt   MUST     install a device to lower the supply voltage to the system to 12 volt.    For these large trucks  one litre of water should last between 5 to 6 hours of continuous operation.

The “Hydrogen Generator system” is NOT a toy. This Hydrogen generator dry cell System can produce LARGE amounts of explosive Hydrogen gas. Do NOT use or experiment with the Hydrogen generator in unventilated or poorly ventilated spaces. Hydrogen explosive gas may accumulate to dangerous levels. Please do NOT let minor children play or experiment with the Hydrogen generator while unsupervised.

Adjust EFIE Unit:

The EFIE unit used has 2 versions

Diesel unit –3 enhancer “pots” – Petrol unit –5 enhancer ‘pots’

Electronic Fuel Enhancer Tuning

A Petrol unit requires you to locate and tap into the sensors for:

  1. MAP sensor
  2. Pre-catalytic converter sensor O2 –may be wide bank or narrow band
  3. Post- Catalytic converter Oxygen sensor- only narrow band
  4. Air intake temperature sensor –normally located on the MAF/MAP sensor (AIT) (IAT)
  5. Coolant temperature sensor –some cars have two. You must only use the 5 Volt power ed sensor. You must locate these sensors and follow instructions to tap into the signal (CWT sensor).

Diagram 1

Installation instructions of EFIE are found on my website:

Electronic Fuel Enhancer Tuning

The 30amp relay is switched on when the Alternator /Generator is on or when the oil pressure switch is on –ie. When the engine is running.

A diesel/EFIE unit requires you to locate and tap into the following sensors:

  • MAP/MAF sensor
  • Intake air temperature sensor
  • Coolant temperature sensor –5 Volt sensor only

Most vehicles use an analog control voltage MAF/MAP sensor. In the event of your engine having a frequency controlled MAF/MAP sensor, then a separate special enhancer unit will be required – details at this are at the end of this document. It is useful to adjust your EFIE enhancer unit with a special device called a “

  • Scan guage II”  or even better
  • the unit from

These devices are only compatible with modern vehicles that have OBD2 ports to connect to the vehicle computer.

Follow tuning instructions to set the EIFE unit to best setting for maximum economy and power



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