Hydrogen Generator kits Specifics

Views: 36


Now, there is a system that allows you

Gen 10, and Gen 20 systems in dewalt box
Gen 10, and Gen 20 systems in dewalt box

to reduce the fuel consumption in your car at a very low cost. Simply use your normal fuel mixed with the hydrogen generated in your own car in a process called electrolysis.

The Hydrogen HHO gas produced is then directed into the engine´s combustion chamber, via the air intake manifold, where it mixes with your carbon based fuels (Petrol, Diesel, LPG) and there both are ignited.

The best hydrogen fuel system in Australia invented . patented  and manufactured by Hydrogenfuelsystems pty ltd. – ABN 57153603108    ACN  153603108   


Generation 15 system mounted into welded steel enclosure box (43 cm x 30 cm x 35 cm)  – produces 192 Litres HHO per hour – February 7, 2022


Laser welded electrodes of stainless steel 316.  HDPE electrode enclosure boxes.  Welded and lockable steel and checkerplate aluminum boxes.


Call Gavan 0403177183 ,   glknox11@live.com

  • Hydrogen on demand uses vehicle electrical energy from the battery/ alternator to power a series of electrolysis cells. 
  • With Normal fuel used in engines,    1/3rd of your fuel can be wasted burning at end of the power stroke and out the exhaust. 
  • Partly burnt fuel Pollutes the atmosphere and your Sends Energy bills Skyrocketing.
  • Hydrogen is produced from water H2O.    Each litre of water produces 1244 litres of Hydrogen gas.
  • Hydrogen fuel systems can be used on all Diesel, Petrol or LPG fueled vehicles. with an emphasis on long haul open road vehicles. 
  • Safe, injected Hydrogen enables a faster, complete, fuel burn. releasing more power with much less fuel.
  • Australian Vehicles using Hydrogen Fuel cells and kits, are on the road today delivering enormous fuel savings, more power with lower emissions
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