Scangauge D (diesel)

$320.00 gst

Scangauge D (diesel)
Scangauge D (diesel)

Scangauge D (diesel) 

Scangauge D – New for DIESEL TRUCKS & RV’s Four gauge monitoring system for your dashboard. You be the monitor of your engine, become a smarter driver. Watch your MPG’s as you drive! Check emissions as well! Plugs in the J1939 and J1708 protocol port under the dash. SAVE FUEL by monitoring your driving habits!

Scangauge D – New for DIESEL TRUCKS & RV’s Four gauge monitoring system for your dashboard. You be the monitor of your engine, become a smarter driver. Watch your MPG’s as you drive! Check emissions as well! Plugs in the J1939 and J1708 protocol port under the dash. Vehicle diagnostic tools for these vehicle are both cumbersome and expensive. The new ScanGaugeD will change all that.

The ScanGaugeD comes with a unique dual connector cable designed to accommodate both the J1939 protocol with a 9-pin diagnostic port as well as the J1708 protocol with 6-pin diagnostic port.

With the ScanGaugeD, you can monitor the most vital systems of your large diesel powered vehicle and provide the kind of real time information you¿ve been missing. Features include more than 15 built-in digital gauges, 5 Trip Computers and an easy-to-use ScanTool that shows trouble codes ¿ all in a compact design that installs in minutes.

Hydrogen for Diesel.

Hydroxy Gas™ works well with diesel and or gasoline. The more carbon in the fuel the better our -Ortho HHO grabs a hold of the carbon+ chain of molecules and we blow them all apart, resulting in the cleaning of 85% of PM and 90% of Nox emissions.

Any size engine, we got a HHO kit for you 3L? 6L ? 10L? 12L?  15L,
36L genset? We boost them all!


Views: 13
scan gauge diesel
scan gauge diesel

Scangauge D – New for DIESEL ]


TRUCKS & RV’s Four gauge monitoring system for your dashboard. You be the monitor of your engine, become a smarter driver. Watch your MPG’s as you drive! Check emissions as well! Plugs in the J1939 and J1708 protocol port under the dash. SAVE FUEL by monitoring your driving habits!

Scangauge D – New for DIESEL TRUCKS & RV’s

Four gauge monitoring system for your dashboard. You be the monitor of your engine, become a smarter driver. Watch your MPG’s as you drive! Check emissions as well! Plugs in the J1939 and J1708 protocol port under the dash. Vehicle diagnostic tools for these vehicle are both cumbersome and expensive. The new ScanGaugeD will change all that.

The ScanGaugeD comes with a unique dual connector cable designed to accommodate both the J1939 protocol with a 9-pin diagnostic port as well as the J1708 protocol with 6-pin diagnostic port.

With the ScanGaugeD, you can monitor the most vital systems of your large diesel powered vehicle and provide the kind of real time information you¿ve been missing. Features include more than 15 built-in digital gauges, 5 Trip Computers and an easy-to-use ScanTool that shows trouble codes ¿ all in a compact design that installs in minutes.

Hydrogen for Diesel.

Hydroxy Gas™ works well with diesel and or gasoline. The more carbon in the fuel the better our -Ortho HHO grabs a hold of the carbon+ chain of molecules and we blow them all apart, resulting in the cleaning of 85% of PM and 90% of Nox emissions.

Any size engine, we got a HHO kit for you 3L? 6L ? 10L? 12L?  15L,
36L genset? We boost them all!

To order a Unit   —-    1.  Order through Paypal  or

2.  Email me on or 

3.    SMS message  to 0403177183 

with your  name ,         Phone number ,        email address                        and Postal address           and I will email you a   Quote ,   my Company  ABN and Payment Details

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