HHO Products, Hydrogen Kits, Inventions and Summary and Research

HHO Products, Hydrogen Kits, Inventions and Videos

What sets our Products apart

  1. Our systems are high producers that dont waste electrical energy as Heat
  2. Our systems use the defined oxidation- reduction voltage of water to use the correct number of cells to generate hydrogen .
  3. By having too many cells reduces the  voltage per cell so that all you produce is  boiling water…. not hydrogen
  4.  Fuel savings worksheet
  5. Saving Fuel and increasing Performance report
  6. What sets our hydrogen kits apart from other providers

Details of our Generation 10, 15 and 20 Hydrogen fuel systems

All designed systems  maximize the gas production , reduce heat, maximize the  hydrogen gas flow rate by having  –

  1. different systems for different capacity engines
  2. match water consumption to hydrogen volume required,
  3. Use PWM power supply units to stop wasting electrical energy,
  4. High  pressure pumps to increase electrolyte flow rate ,
  5. use chemical etching to protect cells,
  6. Use sealed protective Aluminum enclosure boxes for power supply

Parts available from the Shop - buy using paypal or credit card

Parts are available for hydrogen kitsfor people wishing to build their own systems.

a) Pumps,      b) Constant current (multi FET) Power supplies,     c) Electronic fuel enhancers,     d) Welded steel enclosure boxes,     e) ammeters,     f) cable and wire, plugs and diecast boxes,     g) chemicals ,     h) Bubblers,     i) Welded aluminum enclosure boxes,     j) relays,     k) switches,     l) 50 A ammeters, voltmeters,  m) circuit breakers,     n) Custom made stainless steel tanks  and enclosure boxes

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Hydrogen Kits

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Views: 112

The Gen 15 Generator system uses stainless steel 316 L.

The Electrode Plate Area of 14,400 square cm easily handle currents of 50 amp – recommended current 25 amp

Generation 15 cells  are electro-chemically etched to improve stability, lifespan and productivity.

Stainless steel terminals use nickle cable glands.

Electrodes are Laser welded . Strong, Secure, Robust construction.

Inert Space age HDPE plastic construction cell enclosure.

NEW Agents Wanted — Earn $400 for every system sold where you are the referring agent

Gen 15 system 53 cm x 33 cm x 33 cm high mounted in a Dewalt Toughbox2 Ideal for work vehicles …. as used and delivered 32% savings on a 7.2 Litre 27 tonne 2022, diesel Powered   truck

Call OR sms Gavan on 0403177 183  or email glknox11@live.com for a quote on a Hydrogen system.-   include FULL NAME, postal address, phone number and email address and I will send you a quote for a Hydrogen fuel system. 


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