HHO Generator Plans
HHO generator plans and information to help anyone interested in saving money on fuel and saving our planet by building HHO generators to supplement gas or diesel engines with HHO GAS.
hho Generator Plans – HHO Dry Cell Plans

If you are looking to build and install an HHO Generator in your car or truck and you feel that you can build it yourself.
Do Not buy any of those so called “Plans” to convert your car to burn water.
Go to and get hho generator plans Here
Email Gavan on or through the link on this webpage or register for updates , information and our newsletter
These guys have been experimenting with hho gas and hho generators since 2007 and will steer you in the right direction.
They do supply the best hho dry cell out there to thousands of people experimenting with hho in the US as well as hho Europe experimenters, but are always willing to help you for free with your hho plans.

Photo attached is one of the systems which is being marketed internationally through our joint venture with India (SRKAY). These systems have been proven and Tested by ARIA and found to deliver savings as High as 44% in light trucks and cars and 20% of heavy haulage trucks.
To order a Unit —- 1. Order through Paypal or
2. Email me on or
3. SMS message to 0403177183
with your name , Phone number , email address and Postal address and I will email you a Quote , my Company ABN and Payment Details

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