A Review on Combined Effect of HHO Gas and Compression Ratio on the Performance and Emission Characteristics of Diesel Engine january 19 2025

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Gen 20 Hydrogen fuel system
Gen 20 Hydrogen fuel system

HHO Gas and Compression Ratio

A Review on Combined Effect of HHO Gas and Compression Ratio on the Performance and Emission Characteristics of Diesel Engine . HHO and Compression Ratio Performance. The increasing industrialization of the world has led the demand of petroleum based fuels. Fossil fuels are obtained from limited reserves. Nowadays, more researchers focus on protecting the environment. So, use the hydrogen gas with diesel fuel in CI engine. The oxygen enriched hydrogen-HHO gas was produced by the process of water electrolysis.

Hydroxy gas was produced by the electrolysis process of different electrolytes (KOH, NaOH, and NaCl) with various electrode designs in a leak proof Plexiglas reactor (hydrogen generator). This review paper presents the concern with the effectiveness of oxygen enriched hydrogen-HHO gas addition on performance and combustion characteristics of a CI engine with variable compression ratio.

The effect will be shown on the CI engine of the brake thermal efficiency, carbon monoxide, un-burn hydrocarbon, and carbon dioxide and NOx emission with the use of HHO and a variable compression ratio.

The increasing demand for petroleum fuel associated with limited non-renewable stored quantities has resulted in a huge increase in crude oil prices. In the last few years, ordinary people experienced this by paying more at the pumps. Consequently, we have seen a shift toward automobiles that consume less fuel.

This has encouraged researchers to seek an alternative fuel that can be used in engines without the need for a dramatic change in the vehicle design. It has been shown that using pressurized hydrogen gas as a fuel in internal combustion engines (IC engines)has many advantages such as more engine power and lower pollutant concentrations in exhaust gases

The use of HHO gas in conventional engines result in a reduction in emission of unburned hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and particulate. Also, preheating of the air improves the thermal efficiency and reduces the vibration of the engine.

Lean mixture ratio combustion in IC engine which has the potential of producing low emission and higher thermal efficiency. Due to this combustion process was done in an efficient manner and the hydrogen was four times higher effective compare to ordinary fuels. And also leads to increase in efficiency and torque and horsepower of the engine, increase in the performance of the engine. As the load increases brake power increases.

Lean mixture ratio combustion

The brake power developed by the engine operated on HHO gas was more as compared with pure diesel. The Mechanical efficiency of the engine increase, for engine operated with HHO gas was more as compared whit pure diesel. Brake thermal efficiency, indicated thermal efficiency of engine increase, for engine operated with HHO gas was more as compared with pure diesel.

Total fuel consumption of the engine increase, for engine operated with HHO gas were more as compared with pure diesel. Emissions like that carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon, carbon dioxide, The NOx were greatly reduced for the engine operated with HHO gas compared to pure diesel engine.



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