Calculation of maximum Hydrogen output

Views: 300

Calculation of maximum Hydrogen output

Mar 16 2024

Calculation of maximum Hydrogen output .   Question:  -How to calculate the amount of Hydrogen (HHO) that a generator can produce?

Answer:   Generation of maximum Hydrogen output is based on electrolysis, which is governed by the laws of physics. This process was studied almost 200 years ago by Michael Faraday, who subsequently published “Faraday’s Laws of Electrolysis”.

The laws state that an electrolysis cell, operating at a certain current (amps) will produce a known amount of HHO.

The two main considerations are the number of electrode plates and the actual ‘active’ surface area. The active area is the surface area of the plates minus the area of the gaskets.

Gen 15 Hydrogen system in Tough-box plastic enclosure
Gen 15 Hydrogen system in Tough-box plastic enclosure
Hino Campervan with Gen 10 Hydrogen system saves 40% fuel
Hino Campervan with Gen 10 Hydrogen system saves 40% fuel
Test Vehicle 1 - Diesel 2.4 Litre
Test Vehicle 1 – Diesel 2.4 Litre











For example, if a Gen 10 hfs generator has cell figuration plate area of 6450 square cm  ( Gen 15, Gen 20 and Gen 30 systems have increased plate area configuration)

Michael Faraday also demonstrated that electrolysis cells can support up to 0.084 amps per square cm without overheating. This is the standard used to design a HHO generator.
Therefore, the 2000 square cm cell can support up to 168 amps of current which is far in excess of a cars alternator / battery capacity.

We recommend no more  than 30 amp output

Calculation of maximum Hydrogen output.  The number of electrolysis cells  is also very important. Too few and the generator will have poor HHO production and overheat. Too many Cells  and the generator may not work at all.

For 12 volt vehicles, (13,8 volt alternator) the ideal number of electrolysis cells within the generator is 6 , so as to use up all of the available voltage.  The effective Redox voltage of 2.06 volts allied to each cell is required per cell to convert water into hydrogen/ oxygen.  Anything less than that will convert water into steam – a kettle.

As a mathematical simplification of Faraday’s laws, a basic  Generator will produce 90 ml/minute of HHO per 1 amp of current.

So, the generator in our example will have a maximum output of 1.8 LPM (90 ml x 20 amps)

Gen 15 hydrogen system on campervan
Gen 15 hydrogen system on campervan
Hydrogen generator on a Coogee chemical truck
Hydrogen generator on a Coogee chemical truck

Our hydrogen generator systems use a patented process that Provides far in excess of the 1.8LPM as calcualated by Faradays law.  Typically  the Gen 10 system produces in excess of 3.2 LPM  while the larger K40 systems,  used on trucks , have produced in excess of 9 LPM.

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Views: 318

Friday, March 31, 2017

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