Brilliant Invention Gen 20 Hydrogen Generator
Brilliant Invention Gen 20 Hydrogen Generator ---update Feb 7... Full Story
Perth, West Australia
Ground-Breaking Power supplies. Recent developments have shown to increase the gas production for our latest model systems – called the K30 and K40 systems to generating between 3.4 litres of gas per minute at 13.2 volt and 29 amp to a Record 7 litres of gas per minute at 13.2 volt and 45 amp.
Such high values are much more than required for a typical car , but very useful for heavy machinary and heavy haulage trucks
Scientific Tests from reputable international agencies of the K20 System , in heavy traffic, have provided 36% to 42% fuel savings, — average speed in heavy traffic = 30 km/hr. Thewse were the results for a 3.6 Litre diesel and 3.6 Litre petrol fueled engines. Fuel savings of 44% have been shown on the same vehicles in crowded Highway traffic travelling at speeds averaging 50 km/hr
Far better results are expected on Australian Roads there traffic fow in much better
Ground-Breaking Power supplies.
For more information call Gavan 0403177183
Ground-Breaking Power supplies. As part of our ongoing R and D I have dedicated time into improving the power supply and control modules which power the Hydrogen generator cell.
One of the issues of any electrolysis unit for mobile units is the available voltage and to a lesser extent the available current.
Current flow is essential to produce hydrogen gas and using Faradays laws (1832) it is easy to calculate the amount of electrical current needed to produce a given quantity of Hydrogen gas. Some of the “experts” on free energy sites still believe that all they need is a resonant and a low current. My definition of these “EX SPURTS” is that they are a “Drips” under pressure , – Pressure to prove they actually know somewhat more than a “demented earthworm”.
Excuse my irritation on free energy morons and Getting back to the essential developments of this post….Power supplies
2 electrons are required for every molecule or hydrogen gas produced and electrical current is the flow of electrons through a conductor… 22 amp of current at 13.2 volts supplies enough electrons for a maximum of 0f 4.2 Litre of Hydrogen / oxygen gas. Any less energy than that will reduce the gas produced.
When producing a DC power supply of fixed current , we have been conditioned to use electronic components such as constant current PWM devices. There are several faults of such devices in control o fa DC current supply
One solution to this situation is to run DC current into the system and control the current flow simply by the solution concentration. Sounds great but problem is
So some form of circuit is required to limit the current without introducing a load onto the already voltage sensitive circuit.
With this in mind we have developed a relatively simple circuit that limits the voltage loss, does not produce a pointless high frequency output and yet still is able to control the voltage applied to the system so as to control the current flow and not lead to excessive heating of the electrolyte .
This circuit is simple and uses a number of Power FETS and their biasing potentiometers . Extensive lengthy testing under a variety of temperatures has shown that this simple circuit is far superior , more robust and easier to use than the common PWM and constant current power supplies commonly used .
Hydrogen fuel systems have included this development into their patented design and manufacturing process. A great advantage of this design is that it can easily and effectively be retrofitted to older systems currently being used using PWM power controlling devices.
Because it is patented process the exact schematics of the units will not be released …. Enough to say ,it is a design with will be incorporated on all future hydrogenfuelsystems generator systems.
Kind regards
Gavan Knox
BSc, BEng, BSc, BEd,
For more information call Gavan 0403177183
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