Brilliant Invention Gen 20 Hydrogen Generator
Brilliant Invention Gen 20 Hydrogen Generator ---update Feb 7... Full Story
Perth, West Australia
Follow the flowchart to learn how the Hydrogen generated is connected to the engine air intake.
Hydrogen gas in the correct stoichiometric ratio
Hydrogen combustion with diesel or petrol
These Hydrogen systems are internationally accepted by industry. My hope and aim is to get Australians to accept my invention as an Australian Scientist and use it to reduce global warning carbon dioxide output
Recently I attended an international meeting ( pre 2019) where we leant the near term impact of uncontrolled used of fossil fuels. If we have not started to stem the release of greenhouse gases , by 2025, then it may be too late and by 2030 , out of control global warming could decimate our global food production. That equates to third world countries not dieting but Dying .
For the sake of our children and our world we owe it to them to step up and take responsibility for the damage to our world and make a determined effort to fix it.
As an experienced teacher I feel a need to educate both young and old of the dangers we face …. just look at what is happening to the fires in Turkey, the droughts in Europe and North America and the floods i Australia… Global warming is the cause . We must let our politicians know that they as our Servants ( not our Masters) must listen to us and take action to stop pollution destroying our world.
For more information on Hydrogen kits call Gavan on 0403177183
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