Brilliant Invention Gen 20 Hydrogen Generator
Brilliant Invention Gen 20 Hydrogen Generator ---update Feb 7... Full Story
Perth, West Australia
Oxy-Hydrogen gas is a recent discovery to be used to increase the fuel economy and engine performance of any Diesel, Petrol or LPG Fueled engine as used on trucking, cars, farming, marine and mining equipment. The attached link is a academic study on the use of hydrogen / oxygen gas commonly known as Oxy-Hydrogen on the engine performance and fuel economy of a two cylinder Diesel engine under a variety of loading conditions as found in real life applications of diesel engines.
Presence of carbon element in the conventional fuel like petrol and diesel leads to emission pollutions which are associated with the combustion process in traditional internal combustion engine loaded on automobiles. Increasing stringency in pollution norms is forcing the researchers to work on methods to reduce these emissions especially in the field of alternative fuels. Oxy hydrogen gas, which is enriched mixture of hydrogen and oxygen bonded together molecularly and magnetically and producer gas are emerging as best alternative fuels in the recent past. In this study methods to produce oxy hydrogen gas are discussed in detail with their comparison. Also discussions are made on the process of generating producer gas from biomass through pyrolysis process from coconut leaves which are available on the west coast of India, especially the Konkan region. Finally the effect of these two alternative fuels on the performance of the diesel engine is tested when sent inside combustion chamber of twin cylinder diesel engine in blend with the diesel. Both alternative fuels improves the performance of diesel engine in terms of reduced values of brake specific fuel consumption and improved values of brake thermal efficiency. Amongst both fuels oxy hydrogen is observed to be the best option to improve efficiency of diesel engine
The Summary of the findings are shown below—-
Experimental tests to investigate the comparison between oxy hydrogen gas and producer gas are carried out on twin cylinder diesel engine. Oxy hydrogen gas has been generated by electrolysis process and producer gas by pyrolysis. Both the alternative fuels mixed with fresh air before entering the combustion chamber. BSFC, Brake thermal efficiency, speed and load are the performance parameters kept under observation. The following conclusions are drawn:
1. It is very easy to integrate both the alternative fuels with existing engine. No major hardware modification is required.
2. Combustion efficiency increases with both alternative fuels due to presence of hydrogen in the blend. Since hydrogen is present in larger quantity oxy hydrogen gas compared to producer gas, the oxy hydrogen and diesel blend has shown best combustion efficiency asa result of which larger values of BSFC and brake thermal efficiency are obtained for thesame engine.
3. Presence of extra oxy in both alternative fuels helps to improve the combustion efficiency further more. Water vapour is one of byproduct of combustion process with oxy hydrogen and diesel blend. This decreases the combustion chamber temperature and thus decreases the chances of engine detonation. Very less amount of oxygen is available with producer gas and diesel blend hence it is not the case with this combination.
4. Cost of the producer gas generation is more compared to oxy hydrogen gas generation. Three phase AC power source is required for the generation of producer gas using pyrolysis process. Oxy hydrogen gas module requires only 12 V DC supply from the battery.
5. As far as implementation of both the alternative fuels with engine on automobiles is concern, oxy hydrogen gas is best suitable compared to producer gas. The size of the oxyhydrogen gas generation module is less and easy to install under hood of automobile engine. The size of the producer gas generation module is very large and nearly impossible to fit on automobile engines, hence best suitable for the stationary engines application like pump, generators etc. Coal is coming as one of the byproduct of the pyrolysis process, can be used for domestic purpose, and hence an added advantage The Hydrogen fuel systems produced by Hydrogenfuelsystems pty ltd are compact and well designed to easily fit into positions under the engine Hood or anywhere in the vehicle
6. Presence of oxy hydrogen gas during the process of combustion decreases the hydrocarbon emissions from diesel engine [14]. Reduction in HC is observed because of short quenching distance and wide flammability range of hydrogen present in large quantity in oxy hydrogen and diesel blend. Also an increase in turbulence intensity mixing process of burnt and unburnt gases increases the oxidation rate of HC thereby decreasing the HC emission from engine. More percentage of unburnt gases in producer gas diesel blend helps in the reduction of NOx from the diesel engine same as the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) methods.
Feb 7 2025
Further developments on this patented Hydrogen fuel system include development of a water treatment process. This process ( as seen in other Posts) , purifies water , even ground water.
The Purification process removes all dissolved salts and Gasses like Florine and chlorine that will destroy any electrolysis system. Our latest patented unit produces exceptionally pure water and so doesnt waste energy on the impurities in the water… It makes more hydrogen.
These systems of ours have been internationally tested and produce 42% savings on a 2.8 litre car ( diesel or petrol, and 34 % savings on a loaded 7.8 Littre diesel truck)
For more details call Gavan 0403177183 and email
For more information on my patented and internationally Proven Hydrogen fuel systems, call Gavan on 04031771`83
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WhatsApp number is 61 403177183 always happy to talk as Long as im not in class teaching – Physics, Chemical Engineering
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