Brilliant Invention Gen 20 Hydrogen Generator
Brilliant Invention Gen 20 Hydrogen Generator ---update Feb 7... Full Story
Perth, West Australia
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology
(JMEST) ISSN: 2458-9403Vol. 4 Issue 9, September – 2017
JMESTN42352412 8256
Muzammil Arshad
Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Florida Institute of Technology Melbourne, FL, USA
Gerald J. Micklow
Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Florida Institute of Technology Melbourne, FL, USA
Numerical simulations were performed in a direct injection spark ignition engine (DISI) with pentroof geometry. The study was performed for a premixed case with one-step gasoline global reaction mechanism and gasoline-hydrogen blends of 1%, 2% and 3% at equivalence ratios of 0.5 to 1. The purpose of the study was to analyze the combustion and thermal efficiency with and without hydrogen enrichment. The model was tested using a numerical simulation code that solves compressible, turbulent, three-dimensional transient equations. These equations apply to reacting multicomponent gas mixtures with flow dynamics of an evaporating liquid spray. The simulations performed a comparative analysis between the gasoline global mechanism and the gasoline/hydrogen global mechanism.
The engine geometry used ø89.0 mm bore and 81.4 mm stroke, running at 2500 rpm. Earlier joint computational / experimental studies performed by the researchers have shown that injection a secondary fuel in small quantities in conjunction with the base fuel could lead to marked combustion process improvements and thermal efficiency. The secondary fuel had only a small contribution to the total engine heat release, but, it improved engine efficiency by increasing flame speed and ensuring a more complete combustion process for the base fuel. Hydrogen and oxygen enrichment in a small amount to the air-fuel charge results in efficient engine operation with lean air-fuel mixture.
For lean fuel mixtures, peak combustion temperature decreases substantially. Without a substantial performance decrease, the lean or ultra-lean engine operation can be obtained with hydrogen injection. Hydrogen enrichment along with the lean burn engine conditions can produce acceptable operation with a marked reduction in fuel consumption and emissions under idle conditions, reduced loads and moderate acceleration.
Results showed aggressive burning of gasoline while using hydrogen at all equivalence ratios. Addition of hydrogen encouraged complete burn of the fuel. Increase in indicated power, combustion efficiency, and thermal efficiency were observed with an increase in hydrogen percentage. The trend was visible during all hydrogen enrichments. With the increase in the hydrogen concentration, the average temperature and maximum temperature inside the cylinder slightly decreases. This is significant because as the percentage of hydrogen increases in the fuel, the result is higher efficiencies, complete combustion, and slightly lower temperatures inside the cylinder with fewer emissions
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