Questions and answers hydrogen in diesel and gasoline engines

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Questions and answers hydrogen in diesel and gasoline engines

Client questions regarding using Hydrogen Fuel Systems for cars, trucks generators, pumps

Questions and answers hydrogen in diesel and gasoline engines.  A useful set of questions was sent to me by an International client.  These questions are possible common queries that I have answered here to help you the prospective client.

  1. Can you forward us a block diagram for connections to system?

This is answered under the heading Installation instructions which can be  searched for on the home page

  • What are other Equipment’s required like MCB, cables ,etc.?

Other equipment used / required are –

  1. double insulated twin core 6 mm cable for cars and 8mm for trucking
  2. 30 amp 12 volt / 24 volt circuit Breaker
  3. 30 amp. 12volt / 24 volt relay switch
  4. 50 amp anderson plug
  5. Potassium Hydroxide electrolyte
  6. Distilled water or rain water
  7. What are requirements for installation?

This is answered under the heading “Installation instructions” which can be  searched for on the home page

  • Any training is required? How can we get it?

Prefer using an auto electrician who can read and follow the installation instructions on the web-page….Personal  Training is available by my company auto electrician in Perth West Australia. Email me at questions and answers hydrogen

  • Which are replaceable parts?

Pumps are replaceable, Power supplies are replaceable.  In fact all parts are replaceable  but system has  been designed to last indefinitely unless abused

  • How frequently replacement is needed?

Pumps have a 30,000 hour lifespan but last longer under  normal operating conditions …. MY vehicle pumps are 9 years old and working well after 200,000 km

Electronic Power supplies have no stipulated life span and will last indefinitely   … again my vehicle power supply is 9 years old …. There are no wearing parts

  • How these parts can be available?


  • What maintenance is required?

Only maintenance is to use distilled water.   Three teaspoon ( 30 grams) of potassium Hydroxide lasts indefinitely as it is never lost from the solution

Clean out cells every 3 years with dilute vinegar solution

One litre of water lasts 10 hours at 22 amp

questions and answers hydrogen

  • How frequently?

3 yearly replace electrolyte and wash out with dilute vinegar solution

One litre of water lasts 10 hours at 22 amp

  1. What is life of system?

Cells do not wear

11.   How to choose the system size? For example:-

a.       We have an installation with 35KVA connected load and 80 to 90 Kwh per day consumption?

A 35KVA generator is  typically  3.3 litre, turbo charged 3 cylinder vertical in-line engine and is best suited to a Gen 10 system

b.      We have another installation with 20KVA connected load and 400 to 480 Units per day consumption?

A 35 KVA generator is  typically  2.14 litre, turbo charged 3 cylinder vertical in-line engine and is best suited to a Gen 10 system

Gen 10 systems are suited to engines up to 4 litre capacity

Gen 15 systems are suited to engines to 8 litre capacity

Larger generators can be serviced by multiple Gen 15 systems connected In parallel up to 19 litre capacity

Generators greater than 19 litre capacity are available but are custom made systems

Which capacity system is useful?

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Friday, December 28, 2018

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